Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily merrily merrily merrily, Life is such a dream.
I often take vacations to change the scene of my life.
It not only rejuvenates, it gives me a fresh perspective in life.
As i see the vast world open up in front of me, my worries start to drift away and I begin in my mind to change my reality to my liking.
I make sure to remember the learnings when I get back home, not exhaust all my energy in hurried travel and especially do things to relax my mindspace.
Conscious journeys help you manifest the life you want, by course correcting your life-boat to the destination of your choice.
If you listen to your own counsel, you will be steering the life in the direction which you want.
Sign up for a coaching journey now, connect with me or other wonderful coaches who let you find your own solution!
Joy and accomplishment together await you.